Friday 9 October 2015

Re: Politics of Niqab in Canada

What an auspicious moment for Canadian democracy and freedom of expression! Zunera takes the oath in her Niqab, an individual's right reigns over the loathsome efforts of a popular PM.

 All because of the rule of law, where a law is overruled by the Supreme Court (defending the Constitutional rights of individual citizens) and the PM and his entire machinery stands by to obey the Supreme Court ruling as much as they disapprove of the ruling.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 8:17 AM, Mo Chaudhury <> wrote:

October 06, 2015
Proud to be a Canadian (of Bangladeshi Origin)

Moment of pride for Canadians as Professor Arthur McDonald of the Queens University of Canada won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics (jointly with a Japanese researcher).

But I am personally even more proud of a very candid and brave piece of journalism from Neil McDonald of the CBC and the Supreme Court of Canada ruling (upheld the constitutional right to wear Niqab). I wish someday the freedom of expression situation and the Justice system in Bangladesh reach the same or higher feat.

To support the individual right to dress freely (and decently) in circumstances of no apparent security threat (like a citizenship ceremony), one need not support the religious necessity of wearing niqab (which seems controversial).